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Udyam Registration

Get Udyam Registration same day

₹ 2,000/- (All Inclusive) (DISCOUNT CODE APPLIED: GET50OFF) ₹ 1000/- Only The above price is inclusive of all.
Registration is valid for lifetime. (no renewal required)
One resubmission of form in case of any query by the Department.

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    About this Plan

    Who should buy this package?

      Any business structure can apply who falls under the below-mentioned criteria;
    • Micro Level: Business having Investment less than 1 Crore and turnover less than 5 Crores
    • Small Level: Business having Investment less than 10 Crores and turnover less than 50 Crores
    • Medium Level: Business having Investment less than 50 Crores and turnover less than 250 Crores

    What services offered under this package?

    • 20 minutes call on the complete basics of Udyam and its applicability
    • New Udyam Registration
    • Update/Amend/Modify Udyam Registration
    • Cancel Udyam Registration
    • Filing form to the MSME Department
    • Receipt of the acknowledgement number

    What details and documents are required?

    • Aadhaar number (mobile number should be linked)
    • Bank account details
    • Address details
    • Main object of business
    • No. of employees
    • Investment details

    Message from Mansi Shah...
    Legal Team

    "If you find that this plan is not for you, I can customize a plan for you."

    Feel free to contact me and let me know your concern. PapelWork will charge you according to your requirements.

    You can also drop me a Whatsapp message. I hope this helps. 🙂


    Apply for Udyam and take benefits of MSME schemes! #startupindia #udyam

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who can apply for Udyam Registration / MSME Registration?

    Any Entrepreneur with any business structure (Sole Owner, Partnership Firm, Company, LLP, etc.) can apply for registration. It must have a valid Aadhaar Number with a mobile number linked to it.

    Will I get a physical copy of the certificate?

    No, because the government believes in paperless work. You will receive the MSME certificate / Udyam registration on your email ID.

    Aadhaar number linked with mobile number is mandatory?

    Yes, it is mandatory to have a mobile number linked with an Aadhar number to have udyam registration.

    Whether I have to file any returns for MSME Registration?

    No returns are required to be file.

    Do I need DSC?

    No, a digital signature is not required.

    Information Guide

    What are the benefits of Udyam Registration?

    Collateral Free Loans

    The Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises is to make available collateral-free credit to the micro and small enterprise sector. Both the existing and the new enterprises are eligible to be covered under the scheme. Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) is a trust established to implement the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises.

    Protection against delay in payment

    The Ministry of MSME protects from late payments by the buyers and the right of interest on delayed payment through arbitration and settlement of the dispute in the shortest possible time. If a micro or small business with MSME registration delivers goods or services, the buyer must make payment on the agreed date or before between the buyer and the micro or small business. The buyer has to make payment within fifteen days after acceptance of the goods or service in the case where the date of payment is not there. In any event, payment may not exceed forty-five days from the date of acceptance. If the buyer does not make the payment on time, the buyer is obliged to pay compound interest with monthly interest due to the supplier from the agreed payment date or fifteen days after acceptance of the goods or services. The penalty interest for late payments to an MSME company is three times the bank interest rate notified by the Reserve Bank of India.

    Lowering the interest of the Banks

    The interest rate for companies with MSME registration is lower compared to other companies. Specific targets are there for bank lending to micro and small businesses. Banks must achieve 20% growth in micro and small business loans, 10% annual growth in the number of micro business accounts, and 60% of total micro and small business loans. Banks need to consider the following:

    • 40% of the total advances must go to active micro and small companies in manufacturing and invested up to Rs. 10 lakhs in plant and machinery and service companies that invest in equipment up to Rs. 4 Lakhs.
    • 20% of the total advance for micro and small businesses should go to manufacturing companies that invest over ten lakhs rupees to twenty-five lakhs rupees in plant and machinery and for service companies that invest in equipment over Rs. 4 lakhs rupees
    • Warehousing of finished goods
    • To simplify matters, 60% of the advances must go to micro-businesses.
    15% CLSS Subsidy

    The Ministry of Small, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises operates a program called “Credit Linked CGSTI Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) for the technological modernization of Micro and Small Enterprises. The program was started in October 2000 and revised from 29.9.2005. The revised program aims to facilitate the technology upgrade of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) by providing a 15% capital subsidy (limited to a maximum of Rs 15 Lakhs) for plants and machinery. The maximum limit of the eligible loan under the system is Rs. 100 lakhs.

    Waiver in Security Deposit

    The Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises offers companies with MSME registration the following advantages when applying for government tenders:

    • 40% of the total advances must go to active micro and small companies in manufacturing and invested up to Rs. 10 lakhs in plant and machinery and service companies that invest in equipment up to Rs. 4 Lakhs.
    • Free of cost set of issue of Tender
    • Exemption from Earnest Money Payment
    • Security Deposit waiver
    Electricity Bill Concession

    Enterprises with MSME registration certificates can obtain a concession on electricity bills by applying to the electricity department with the MSME registration certificate.

    ISO Certification Reimbursement

    Enterprises that have MSME Registration Certificate can reimburse the cost for ISO.

    Preference in Procuring Tenders

    Preferences to the udyam registered business for procurement of government tenders.

    Patent Registration Subsidy

    Enterprises with MSME Registration can avail subsidy of 50% for patent registration.

    Other Benefits

    Enterprises that have MSME Registration can

    • avail 15% weightage in price preference
    • avail benefit of 1% exemption on the interest rate on OD
    • avail direct tax exemption in the initial years
    • avail subsidy on bar code registration
    • avail Subsidy on NSIC Performance and Credit ratings

    Enterprises that have MSME Registration are eligible for

    • Industrial Promotion Subsidy (IPS) as mentioned in the scheme
    • Counter Guarantee from Government of India through CGSTI.